it dosen't matter what our do to anyone-- leadership training -- meet the national service managers--
Bob Wiley-- thomas Patterson-- tom Bannach-- roger cannady-- Dave Waterfield-- ron wiley-- and other minor perverts and psycopaths
thermotron manager mode training B-some---body
ok sure you don't have an education-- at thermotron-- college is not necessary for management or sales
and remember after training at thermotron you can apply for a job at ESPEC--
or at Russles technical products--
john tenbrink - thermotron training - You Don't Win Friends With Salad!
when i worked with john tenbrink-- he was always trying to get his co workers to go to the BAR with him and get Drunk--
\when ever he could he would get the customer to come along-- and buy him lunch-- get him drunk--
and then ask the customer to writ a "glowing "report on his job performance--
and Bob Wiley the "lying idoit" Drunk-- woule see what a "fine job" john tenbrink did for thermotron
yes john tenbrink was a find guy -- who would lead his co workers astray-- and then back stab them--- just like thomas bannach -- and his gang of liar's and thieves
Brain Implants Thermotron Field service training you can be a success at thermotron just give it a try and impress your friends GED or some Expperience is required.. Get the Daniel J. O’keefe insert and chip.. learn the freedon of having your own opinion ? we willl tell you what you want to hear!!
ReplyDeleteby thermotrononedummy
Brain Implants Thermotron Field service training
you can be a success at thermotron just give it a try and impress your friends
GED or some Expperience is required.. Get the Daniel J. O’keefe insert and chip..
learn the freedon of having your own opinion ? we willl tell you what you want to hea